




Starling, 2022, insulation foam, paint, CNC manufacturing, 1.2m x 3.75m x 20cm

📍 Seattle, WA

Graduating in 2022 from Western Washington University with a BA and BFA in Studio Arts, Colton Sampson, a Seattle-based artist, engages with many forms of creative coding arts. Not limiting his mediums, he uses a diverse array of new media art forms including 3D modeling, projection mapping, 3D printing, augmented reality, and sculpting. With an ever-changing digital landscape, Colton looks to use these tools to find new ways to connect with people. The artwork Colton creates is closely tied to nature. He uses nature, specifically botany, to construct a narrative and tell stories about our social structures, as well as people's effect on their surroundings. The stories reveal how plants are being used in society, and what that says about how we are treating each other as a whole.

Starling (detail), 2022, insulation foam, paint, CNC manufacturing, 1.2m x 3.75m x 20cm

Removing The Thorns, 2022, 3D modeled & printed in PLA, 30 cm x 18cm x 90cm

Blackberries, 2022, 3D modeling